Dental Acupuncture Swansea

Our local clinic offers dental acupuncture in Swansea to help ease the symptoms of a wide range of conditions including dental pain or anxiety. Practiced in China for thousands of years, traditional acupuncture has also grown in popularity in the UK and become a widely used complementary medicine. The treatment is designed to relieve your symptoms as well as affect your overall wellbeing, so it can be used to resolve various physical and mental conditions.

To book a consultation, please get in touch with us today.

Acupuncture For Dental Treatments

Acupuncture is a great addition to our other dental treatments, as it can help make sure you are relaxed and comfortable during your time with us. The treatment works by inserting fine needles into specific points of the body that are considered the lines of energy (meridians) according to traditional Chinese medicine. The number of needles and where they are placed in the body will depend on the condition being treated, and we will discuss the procedure during your initial consultation.

How We Use Dental Acupuncture

We use dental acupuncture to help treat a range of symptoms caused by:

These services work for many people and can allow patients to have a range of dental treatments they may have been unable to receive before. Whether you are interested in pain relief or want to calm your anxiety, contact us today to see how our professional treatments can help you.


With an acupuncture treatment, as the needles are so fine, most people do not feel them. However, it is normal to feel a mild tingle or dull ache. We will ensure you are comfortable throughout the treatment, and if you do experience any significant pain, please inform your practitioner straight away.

In some cases, people may experience mild side effects, such as feeling dizzy or faint. You may also notice light bruising where the needle has punctured the skin.

An initial consultation will be required to discuss the issues you are having and whether acupuncture will be suitable. If you are pregnant or have a bleeding disorder such as haemophilia or a metal allergy, we advise speaking to your GP before having the treatment.

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Book An Appointment At Our Dental Practice Today

For further information on dental acupuncture in Swansea or any of the other services we provide, please get in touch. We offer facial acupuncture services to aid in other general dentistry treatments as well as cosmetic dental work. Book your consultation with our team today.