Why Choose A Dentist For Facial Aesthetic Treatments?

Woman Getting Facial Aesthetic Treatments From Her Dentist

In recent years, facial aesthetic treatments like filler and Botox have become a lot more popular. As a result, more people are training to administer cosmetic injectables. Many of those who offer these treatments are also in other medical roles, like dentistry. Let’s find out why dentists are a great, trusted choice for facial aesthetic treatments.

Knowledge Of The Face

When you’re working with teeth, you’re also working with faces. Dentists need to know how your teeth affect your overall mouth health and appearance, including your jaw, cheeks, lips and chin.

During training, dentists learn all about facial anatomy. They need extensive knowledge of the face’s muscles, nerves and movements. It makes sense to also apply this knowledge to facial aesthetic treatments, as well as dentistry. This knowledge means you can trust a dentist to inject cosmetic treatments safely and effectively.

Experience With Facial Aesthetic Treatments

Man Recieving Facial Aeesthetic Treatment

Treatments like teeth straightening and composite bonding are not just done for health reasons. The cosmetic results are often most desirable to patients. Therefore, it’s important that dentists know how to produce amazing aesthetic results.

Dentists are well-placed to offer facial aesthetic treatments. They already know how to give you a beautiful smile, so it makes sense for them to be able to enhance that further.

Safe, Ethical Training

In the UK, pretty much anyone can get a qualification that allows them to administer injectable treatments. This leads to an industry that feels unregulated, and results in a mixed bag of practitioners. Not everyone will commit themselves to further training, so you won’t always know if you’ve chosen a good or ethical aesthetician.

Woman Visiting The Dentist Smiling Into A Mirror

The good thing about choosing a dentist for facial aesthetic treatments is that you’ll know they have extensive medical knowledge. Training to administer injectable treatments is complementary to the foundation of knowledge they already have about facial aesthetics.

Discreet Appointments

If you don’t feel like letting the world know that you’ve chosen injectable aesthetic treatments, you can always just tell them you’re going to the dentist. After all, it’s not completely untrue!

You won’t have to worry about being seen going in and out of an aesthetic clinic. Simply visit your dentist as usual and leave with your subtle enhancements. You’ll never need to tell anyone what you’ve had done.

For Facial Aesthetic Treatments, Choose The Dentists At Manor Road Dental Practice

Our team of dentists have enhanced their knowledge with training to administer cosmetic injectables. If you’re thinking about getting lip filler, facial fillers or anti-wrinkle treatments, contact us today. Our clinic offers treatments administered by a fully qualified dentist who has undergone extensive medical training. You’ll be in safe hands with us for cosmetic treatments.


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